Stop Wisbech Incinerator

I am strongly opposed to the Wisbech incinerator and remain committed to campaigning against this threat to our community.

These proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements a day, bringing both household and commercial waste from up to a 2 hours' drive away to a mega incinerator located 500m from the largest secondary school. This is a stupid idea.

With that in mind, I am asking all councillors and candidates in next year's election to sign a pledge to the people of Fenland that they will not vote for or support in any way the use of the Wisbech Incinerator.

If Cambridgeshire County Council, Fenland District Council and other local authorities refuse to send waste to the Wisbech incinerator. This will undermine the business case for investment funding for construction of the incinerator. Many incinerators elsewhere that have received planning approval have still not been constructed, and we should do all we can to ensure this is the case in Wisbech. I will also be liaising with MPs in other counties to seek such a commitment from their local authorities too

Below are names of those who have signed and those who have refused so that voters across Cambridgeshire.

Have signed to say they WILL NOT vote or use the Incinerator in Wisbech if built

Cambridge County Council


Cllr Chris Boden  Cllr David Connor

Cllr Steve Count Cllr Janet French   Cllr John Gowing

Cllr Anne Hay Cllr Samantha Hoy Cllr Simon King 

Cllr Steven Tierney

(in bold also Fenland District Council Cllrs)

Non-Aligned Independent

Cllr Ryan Fuller

Fenland District Council


Cllr Brenda Barber Cllr Ian Benney Cllr James Carney Cllr Gary Christy

Cllr Sam Clark Cllr Mrs Maureen Davis Cllr Mrs Lucie Foice-Beard Cllr Miss Kim French

Cllr Alan Gowler Cllr Stuart Harris Cllr Michael Humphrey Cllr Sidney Imafidon Cllr Mrs Dee Laws Cllr Charlie Marks

Cllr Nick Meekins Cllr Alex Miscandlon Cllr Jason Mockett Cllr Peter Murphy Cllr Dr Haq Nawaz

Cllr Dave Oliver Cllr Mark Purser Cllr Billy Rackley Cllr Christopher Seaton Cllr Elisabeth Clough

Cllr Gurninder Singh Gill Cllr Tim Taylor Cllr Susan Wallwork Cllr Andrew Woollard

Liberal Democrats

Cllr Diane Cutler

No response received to date

Cambridge County Council


Cllr Stephen Ferguson Cllr Keith Prentice Cllr Tom Sanderson

Cllr Jonas King Cllr Joshua Schumann

Cllr Simone Taylor


Cllr Gerri Bird Cllr Mike Black Cllr Alex Bulat Cllr Nick Gay Cllr Bryony Goodliffe Cllr Richard Howitt Cllr Elisa Meschini

Cllr Catherine Rae Cllr Neil Shailer

Liberal Democrats

Cllr Michael Atkins Cllr Henry Batchelor Cllr Alex Beckett Cllr Anna Bradnam Cllr Piers Coutts Cllr Claire Dauton

Cllr Douglas Dew Cllr Lorna Dupré Cllr Neil Gough Cllr Ros Hathorn Cllr Sebastian Kindersley Cllr Maria King

Cllr Peter McDonald Cllr Brian Milnes Cllr Edna Murphy Cllr Lucy Nethsingha  Cllr Philippa Slatter

Cllr Firouz Thompson Cllr Susan van de Ven Cllr Alison Whelan Cllr Graham Wilson Cllr Andrew Wood Cllr Geoffrey Seeff

Fenland District Council


Cllr John Clark Cllr Roy Gerstner Cllr Paul Hicks Cllr David Patrick Cllr Dal Roy Cllr Matthew Summers

Liberal Democrats

Cllr Gavin Booth


Wisbech Incinerator Update

Having said I was concerned that the latest MVV consultation was a sham, and that some local campaigners risked being taken in by it, we now sadly have the confirmation this is the case.As part of the incinerator proposal, the developer has to pay a financial contribution called section 106 money fo

Sham consultation by MVV

There's been some discussion on social media about why I did not attend the meeting last night, Wednesday, organized by MVV. I have not received any official invitation to this meeting. The last correspondence I received was in October regarding the purchase of the orchard next door.

New evidence should raise further questions for Wisbech incinerator

Analysis reveals that waste incinerators are as dirty as coal power.New evidence has revealed that waste incinerators are now as dirty as coal power - raising new questions over the future of the Wisbech incinerator.The UK has got better at recycling certain types of waste, for example food, which i

Wisbech Incinerator update

I very much hope the end is in sight in our battle against plans to build an enormous incinerator in Wisbech.